Monday 20 February 2012

St. Anselm's Dear - A Jubillee Song


Let the halls resound with song,

And the echo linger long:
Sing young and old, in accents bold
Your hearts Jubilee.

Break forth in chorus gay
The Alma Mater's lay;
Yet higher,loud and clear
Lift your voices free.

"Fair unto God
And fair alike to man"
Thy cause writ high
Does lead thee on,
as years fleet by,
Sure God shall crown

Thy battles' bright renown,
Thy sons shall tell
The fame of her that wrought them well.

Home of my joys, tender thoughts awake,
When my happy school days in dreams I gaze;
And as laughter clear, I seem to hear,
Fond prayers arise for St. Anselm's dear.

Pure flow thy streams,
Where mirth and virtue gleams,
Quenching minds athirst,
Strengthening weak at first,
Our hearts we raise,
To sing thy praise,
God bless thee ever
St. Anselm's dear. 
                                                                                                     Courtesy: St. Anselm's Calling 

Saturday 18 February 2012


Dear friends, here is the brief introduction about our School Crest and probably about our identitiy as ANSELMITES.

The School Crest

St. Anselm : The central figure of St. Anselm, the Patron of the School. He is shown in the attire of a bishop with an open book in his hands. St. Anselm besides being one of the most illustrious Archbishops to occupy the See of Canterbury was a renowned Philosopher and Doctor of the Church, keenly interested in the education of youth.

The Franciscan Coat-of-arms: To the right of St. Anselm you find the Franciscan Coat-of-arms i.e. the hand of Christ crosses the hand of Francis, with the cross standing between. This emblem is to remind us that the institution was founded by the Franciscan Fathers of the Capuchin Order and of the traditions they have established.

The Ashoka Wheel : On the left of St. Anslem lies the Ashoka wheel, denoting that with the advent of Independence the School has been entrusted to the sons of the soil - the secular Clergy.

Our Lady : The top portion of the shield bears the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of the Immaculate Conception (denoted by the letter I and C on either side). The picture is a reproduction of the beautiful stained glass window of the adjoining Cathedral, under the shadow of which the institution has grown to its present stature. The background of deep blue, denoted by the horizontal lines together with the white of the flower half from the School colors - Blue and White.

The Supporting Animals : The shield is supported by a Unicorn on the right and a Lion on the left to remind us of the singleness of purpose in achieving our ideals and courage to live up to them.

The Motto : Beneath runs the School motto : "Deo Ambiles et Hominibus". It recalls the Saint's word to one of his pupils : I did my utmost while you were under me, to make you, "Lovely to God and to Men". Such is also the aim and purpose of St. Anselm's.

The Star : The star surmounting the crest reminds us that the school is situated at the foot of the mighty "Taragarh" the 'fort of the star', the famous "Garh Beetli" of Rajput poems and closely connected with the immortal Prithviraj. The mountain raises its rugged summit right above the school.

May St. Anselm's serve the purpose.